ECHO (European Children’s Hospitals Organisation) is a new and growing organisation representing many of the leading children's hospitals across Europe. These hospitals take care of some of the most complex patients in Europe and around the world, positioning them to help create solutions to some of healthcare’s greatest challenges.
To achieve its goals, ECHO builds relationships and works with a broad range of stakeholders including hospital administrators and staff, public health policymakers, healthcare organisations and patient associations.

Children and adolescents are not little adults. Providing them with the highest quality care requires specially designed services, benchmarking between similar institutions, and sharing best practices in care delivery. ECHO works with our members to support these practices, helping to improve the care children and young people receive across Europe.

ECHO advocates to improve government and hospital policies, private industry practices, and public attitudes that result in meaningful change in the care of children and young people in hospitals. We help provide a voice for children’s hospitals and their patients, and ensure the most vulnerable amongst us have equal access to the highest level of care.

ECHO aims to promote research collaborations and innovation amongst our members to improve both patient care and the delivery of healthcare services. We do this by facilitating networking, helping build research consortia, and creating opportunities for members to learn and get inspired by each other.

Children, young people, and their families need healthcare professionals trained to meet their unique needs. At ECHO we work with our members to support the professionals caring for children and young people. With a specific focus on nursing, our aim is to ensure children’s hospitals have a workforce fit for purpose both now and in the future.

We are building a transnational network of children’s hospitals across Europe that will contribute to advancing the mission of each institution while enhancing their value to patients, families and providers.